
《Revit 2015中文版基础教程 BIM工程师成才之路》,幕墙,柱,梁,门窗,过道,天花板设计软件

《建筑识图与BIM建模实训教程》 识计建筑工程概况,轴网信息、剪力墙、柱信息,读板,填充墙,门窗,梁,构造柱,台阶,散水,女儿墙,屋面,



《BIM技术应用基础》 1.2 BIM常用软硬件 1.2.1 Revit软件概述 1.2.2 Navisworks软件概述 1.2.3 广联达BIM系列软件概述 1.2.4 斯维尔BIM软件概述 1.2.5 常用硬件要求 包括Revit软件、斯维尔软件、广联达软件、鲁班软件等的建模方法和技巧

《BIM应用?导论》 与BIM技术相关的标准  3.1 BIM标准概述  3.2 与BIM标准相关的基础标准  3.3 分类编码标准  3.4 数据模型标准  3.5 过程标准  3.6 本章小结

《欧特克BIM标准丛书:BIM纲要》 1.2 全生命周期BIM软件应用范围 1.3 全生命周期BIM应用小结 1.3.1 国外BIM政策标准简述 1.3.2 国外BIM应用情况评价 1.3.3 国内BIM政策标准评述 1.3.4 国内BIM大赛评述 2 BIM存储标准

《如何让 BIM 成为生产力》 今天大多数企业面临的问题是,在当前全员普及BIM应用条件还不成熟、所有项目所有工作使用BIM投入产出还不合算、而行业和市场又有BIM应用要求的情形下,究竟应该采取一条什么样的路线来开展BIM应用比较合适呢? 此类问题很难有一加一等于二这样简单的标准答案,作者何关培与广州优比建筑咨询有限公司整个团队近五年在帮助业主、设计企业、施工企业开展BIM应用和建设BIM生产力的过程中积累了一套使企业避免前述风险、产生实际效益、快速形成初步生产力的思路、方法和具体步骤,著成《如何让BIM成为生产力》一书希望对计划开展BIM应用的企业有一定参考意义。

2.1 BIM内省(一):BIM发展可能达到的终极高度是BIM成为一种独立使用的工程语言 2.2 BIM内省(二):BIM价值能够实现的多少取决于BIM成为独立使用的工程语言的能力

《BIM第二维度——项目不同参与方的BIM应用》 分别详细介绍了政府机构、建设机构、设计机构、施工机构、运营机构、造价咨询机构、项目管理机构等项目不同参与方的BIM技术应用,第9章介绍教育机构的BIM人才培养的意义和实践。

《BIM应用基础》 《BIM室内设计方法》 《BIM建模应用技术(附网络下载)》

第1章 REVIT基础 第2章 BIM土建建模基础 第3章 给排水建模基础 第4章 通风系统建模基础 第5章 电气建模基础 第6章 BIM构件的创建和编辑基础 第7章 BIM管线综合基础 第8章 BIM项目级建模细则 第9章 BIM快速建模技术 第10章 机电快速建模以及计算技术 附录 安装Autodesk Revit2016

《BIM技术——第二次建筑设计革命(附光盘)》 《BIM应用与项目管理》 第1章 项目管理的基础知识 第2章 BIM在项目管理中的应用与协同 第3章 BIM技术在设计阶段的应用 第4章 BIM技术在施工阶段的应用 第5章 BIM技术在运维管理中的应用 参考文献

《BIM设计项目样板设置指南——基于Revit软件》 《广联达BIM安装算量软件应用教程》




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由于国内《建筑信息模型应用统一标准》还在编制阶段,这里暂时引用美国国家BIM标准(NBIMS)对BIM的定义,定义由三部分组成: 1.BIM是一个设施(建设项目)物理和功能特性的数字表达; 2.BIM是一个共享的知识资源,是一个分享有关这个设施的信息,为该设施从建设到拆除的全生命周期中的所有决策提供可靠依据的过程; 3.在项目的不同阶段,不同利益相关方通过在BIM中插入、提取、更新和修改信息,以支持和反映其各自职责的协同作业。



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课程介绍: 工程建设业正以越来越快的脚步拥抱 BIM 技术流程,而云与移动互联技术更是热点中的热点,私有云、公有云、混合云概念火爆,各种云端移动端应用漫天飞舞。本次 3.3 BIM 大讲堂将为您带来定位于施工过程协同管理的 Autodesk BIM 360 产品发展方向以及全系列模块新功能介绍。横跨桌面端,云端和移动端的 DOCs,Glue,Field,Plan,Layout 等模块,真正将 BIM 模型数据在工程设计办公室与施工现场及竣工交付之间进行桥接,支撑工程建设项目各项技术和管理业务需求。体验 BIM 360 带给您的指尖上的 BIM,欧特克助力您和您的企业智造未来,迎接数据互联的颠覆变革!

嘉宾介绍: 建筑工程专业学士及数字建筑学专业硕士学位,英国建筑师事务所及国内设计院工作经验,三年奔特力工程师和四年欧特克技术咨询顾问工作经验。对于 BIM 理念及各个厂商的 BIM 解决方案有着深刻理解,参与多个跨行业跨专业的三维数字设计项目。

课程介绍: 虚拟现实——VR,最近这个热烈讨论的话题,逐渐开始影响到工程建设行业,如何能将 BIM 技术与 VR 进行完美融合呢?欧特克公司针对 BIM+VR 的进一步融合,推出了 Stingray —— 一款实时游戏引擎 (Real time game engine)。将 Revit 导出的 BIM 模型,透过 3Ds Max 再输出到 Stingray,或是利用云平台处理,可以更节省时间和减少电脑计算负担,提供高质量的虚拟实景,大大提升了业主和协作团队对项目的了解。本期 3.3 大讲堂将向您介绍欧特克 BIM+VR 的整体融合解决方案,您将了解到更好的渲染效果制作,以及 BIM 可视化的最大化实现。

嘉宾介绍: 在香港从事 BIM 技术研究五年之余,热爱 BIM、相信 BIM 能为社会建造更好未来!参与过不同的国际和本地工程项目。曾在新加坡 Revit Technology Conference (RTC) Asia 演讲擎天树——滨海湾花园 in Revit。香港 Hong Kong Revit User Group (HKRUG) 的创办人之一。


GRAPHISOFT 旗舰产品ARCHICAD是由建筑师开发,为建筑师服务的,是全球第一款建筑设计类BIM软件,至今已有30年的BIM经验。



RBIM 5D协同管理平台提供BIM模型的系统性应用、技术与管理结合应用以及项目全生命周期的应用。RBIM 5D项目管 理平台以三维BIM模型为中心对施工现场的信息进行管理;通过模型转化工具实现设计模型与属性到轻量化模型的转换,在系统中实现三维的BIM信息管理与展示。


BIM即建筑信息模型 是建筑学、工程学及土木工程的新工具。建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,简称BIM)一词由Autodesk所创的。它是来形容那些以三维图形为主、面向对象、建筑学有关的电脑辅助设计。当初这个概念是由Jerry Laiserin把

产品功能应用点: 1.多项目管理集成; 2.三维地理信息系统(GIS)与BIM结合 3.基础信息管理(包括图纸、模型、属性等底层数据录入) 4.可视化交底(包括整体工程模型的查看、现场查看图纸对应模型指导施工等) 5.进度管理(现场施工进度与施工计划对比展示、实时施工日志的对照显示等)

glodon bim BIM5D: 施工阶段精细化管理平台,让工程建造变得简单 MagicCAD BIM审图 BIM浏览器 BIM算量 BIM三维场布 BIM模架 BIM解决方案

revizto 协同管理平台 150000 yuan/year


中国BIM培训网的小编接到很多学员的问题,是问目前主流的BIM软件都有哪些?在此小编就不一一回答了,在此做个小结,给大家参考。 1. BIM核心建模软件:主要分四个门派 1)Autodesk公司的Revit建筑、结构和机电系列,在民用建筑市场借助AutoCAD的天然优势,有相当不错的市场表现; 2)Bentley建筑、结构和设备系列,Bentley产品在工厂设计(石油、化工、电力、医药等)和基础设施(道路、桥梁、市政、水利等)领域有无可争辩的优势; 3)2007年Nemetschek收购Graphisoft以后,ArchiCAD/AllPLAN/VectorWorks三个产品就被归到同一个门派里面了,其中国内同行最熟悉的是ArchiCAD,属于一个面向全球市场的产品,应该可以说是最早的一个具有市场影响力的BIM核心建模软件,但是在中国由于其专业配套的功能(仅限于建筑专业)与多专业一体的设计院体制不匹配,很难实现业务突破。Nemetschek的另外两个产品,AllPLAN主要市场在德语区,VectorWorks则是其在美国市场使用的产品名称。 4)Dassault公司的CATIA是全球最高端的机械设计制造软件,在航空、航天、汽车等领域具有接近垄断的市场地位,应用到工程建设行业无论是对复杂形体还是超大规模建筑其建模能力、表现能力和信息管理能力都比传统的建筑类软件有明显优势,而与工程建设行业的项目特点和人员特点的对接问题则是其不足之处。Digital Project是Gery Technology公司在CATIA基础上开发的一个面向工程建设行业的应用软件(二次开发软件),其本质还是CATIA,就跟天正的本质是AutoCAD一样。 2. BIM方案设计软件 目前主要的BIM方案软件有Onuma Planning System和Affinity等。 3. BIM结构分析软件 ETABS、STAAD、Robot等国外软件以及PKPM等国内软件。 4. BIM可视化软件 常用的可视化软件包括3DS Max、Artlantis、AccuRender和Lightscape等。 5. BIM模型综合碰撞检查软件 常见的模型综合碰撞检查软件有鲁班软件、Autodesk Navisworks、Bentley Projectwise Navigator和Solibri Model Checker等。 6. BIM造价管理软件 国外的BIM造价管理有Innovaya和Solibri,鲁班软件是国内BIM造价管理软件的代表。 7. BIM运营软件 美国运营管理软件ArchiBUS是最有市场影响的软件之一。 以上是小编的总结,如需补充,希望大家积极留言。

BIM 术语

IFC-Industry Foundational Classes 首先来了解下国外的BIM标准,国际ISO组织做了一些标准,从前期的IFC到IDM再到IFD都是非常重要的标准,国际上最。 IFC标准借鉴了国际产品数据标准STEP标准的技术,具有技术的先进性和开放性。


BIM简介及应用,collection IFC


技术准备阶段主要解决三个问题:了解IFC的概况、学习EXPRESS语言、熟悉IFC的整体框 架。下面分别讨论

IFC的基本信息可以在其网站(上得到,其他各 地区分部网站上也有很多有用信息

IFC标准的实现过程是一个有章可循的过程, 贯彻和应用标准是其核心。在此过程中可以应用第三方产品和技术支持,而不必全部自行开发。

iso IFC ifc ifc spicification It is fully ISO 16739 (IFC) compliant and being meta-model based we guarantee seamless support for all future IFC schema’s.

BIM Service interface exchange (BIMSie)

天磁 BIM 协同设计管理软件 )PKPM 系列软件 CITYPLAN 三维互动规划设计软件 同望 EasyCost 工程造价软件 PYC 三维协同数据库管理系统 建坤 BIM 运维管理软件 鲁班造价软件




Live Link : 2d->3d->2d bidirectional che格式:PC frm: 移动端 ifc: 7M, 13万条,64M ,110万条 PTS:点云数据 legal limitations & international restrictions : private cloud

Rhino , Revit , Sketch up , Navisworks , 3d File format, ArchCAD Revit, ArchCad 双向 Fuzor API: AM/FM integration and 5d development Assert Managerment, Facility Management, 4D Construction

Content Libraries: Fuzor 支持格式 ,rvt ,双向的, ArchiCad 的pln点击Lauch Fuzor 同步过去,Fbx, SKP格式可以直接输入,Unit3D支持多种模型格式 :fbx(FBX, autodesk 跨平台的免费三维数据格式,格式不公开,python sdk)转换, (callada), FBX SDK, 多叉树scene graph

存储几何图形: Nurbes, Pologon, Triangle, Fuzor与Revet同步与反同步,Request Sync Back, Sync Panel

奇镜 BIM

QB View BIM 模型查看器(桌面客户端), 本地缓存浏览, Revit(autodesk 协同插件)

BIM 360



模型浏览及批注: 支持50余种建筑行业文件在线浏览, 免去安装多种专业软件的烦恼

精细权限管理: 提供浏览、下载、创建、修改、公开等细料度的权限管理,帮助项目团队安全、受控地进行文档共享。

创建发起任务: 设置任务起止时间、指派任务执行人,任务即时提醒、项目成员在线讨论、任务工作流程自 动流转等功能,使使项目任务得到有效跟踪和处理


云文档在线预览功能已支持包括Office文件,图片文件,PDF,主流三维建筑模型(RVT,NWD, IFC等等),广联达算量和计价文件等多种文件格式

文件上传后,如果文件类型被云文档在线预览功能支持,则文件会自动进行转换(云端服务会根据其类型自动分发转换),转换成功后,可在线预览的文件将 会以“缩略图”方式显示图标。点击文件的名称,即可进入“文件预览”页面。

是否保存了文件的历史版本 不同的类型的空间支持不同的文件版本数量,

文档转换失败是怎么回事, 为什么有些文档的功能无法使用 提示”未安装Flash”是怎么回事

云文档会使用Flash控件来实现上传文件和部分文件预览的功能 。当出现“未安装Flash”提示时,请按如下方式操作。



Glodon Jetfire Plugin



Revit 2016需要装在C盘吧,否则要修改注册表

1、负责公司基于Autodesk Revit产品的插件开发。 2、配合Revit升级和测试团队的反馈修复产品Bug。 3、更新和维护程序模块,编写相关程序设计文档。 4、跟踪和学习Autodesk公司新推出的相关产品及API技术。


1、正规本科院校计算机相关专业毕业,3年以上C#语言编程经验。 2、熟练使用Visual Studio工具,1年以上Revit插件二次开发经验。 3、熟悉Autodesk Revit文档的数据结构,Revit的API文档和函数库。 4、具备基础的英文文档阅读能力,具备设计文档的写作能力。 5、具有较强的团队协作精神和责任心,良好的服从上级工作安排。 6、良好的社交能力,语言表达清晰,善于和他人沟通合作,工作认真负责。 7、有计算机图形学基础或从事过三维图形软件开发经验者优先考虑


Autodesk: Revit Architecture, Revit Structural, Revit MEP 民用建筑市场 Bentley: Bentley Architecture, Bengley Structural, Bentley Building Mechanical Systems, Bentley Microstation 工厂设计,基础设施 Memscheck Graphisoft: ArchiCAD, AllPLAN, Vector works 2007年Memscheck收购Graphisoft

Gery Techonolog Dassault: Digital Project ,CATIA CATIA机械、航空设计制作,

几何选型: Rhino, FormZ, Sketchup

Autodesk bentley


Graphisoft ArchiCAD, Graphisoft BIMx 和云集成的模型共享服务,建筑师和设计师能够前所未有的探索、交流和共享他们的项目设计。


BIMx 文件格式保存

BIM Server 是ArchCAD引过的Graphisoft BIM Server ,是基于模型的团队协作的首选解决方案,业内第一的Delta服务器技术最小化网络流量,便于办公室和网络即时可靠的进行数据交换。



BIM360 Glue SDK, WebService API, Display Component(显示组件只能在IE中工作,XAML Browser Application, XBAP,Only in IE )


Autodesk360(A360) ,B360(BIM360) 是Autodesk 的两个平台前者主要是文档管理, 后者则是BIM工具平台,也可以将 后者理解为Ac360云计算大平台的建筑业部分。

B360上已经有的功能模块,如Glue,Field 及处于试验的Plan, Ops, 也有API二次开发,


Products: BIM 360 Docs BIM 360 Glue BIM 360 Layout BIM 360 Plan BIM 360 Field API & INTEGRATIONS: Project Creation, Data sync, Model viewing , Project hubs, Partner integrations, User and company directions

PYC云端平台,通过将Revit项目模型信息拆分、分离、提取并存储到PYC云端中 设计方, 施工方,业主

Autodesk Revit软件包括(Architecture ,Structure, MEP), 建筑专业使用RevitArchitecture 模块,结构使用RevitStructure模块,机电专业使用MEP 模块,完成后的模型使用Autodesk Navisworks 进行动态查看和施工的管理工作。


PKBM BIM支持实时修改Revit模型数据

Revit工作集协同模式的API应用探究: 刘培珺:Autodesk 中国研究院,开发经理



bimsync REST API v1.0 BCF REST API Viewer 3D API Viewer 2D API Viewer widget API

The IFC Engine DLL is a STEP Toolbox with ability to generate 3D geometry for popular versions of the IFC schema. The component is able to load, edit and create Step Physical Files (as well as the XML notation) and their schema’s via its own object database. This includes all currently available IFC versions. For IFC 2x3 files and also for IFC 4 the geometry is generated. The development started in 2001 and was commercialized in 2006. With over 40 software companies using it today and 100 updates per year over the last 5 years it is a reliable and widely used product. Some of the specific reasons for companies to buy the IFC Engine DLL: Speed and Scalability Multiplatform: Windows, Linux and OSX are support in 32 bit and 64 bit The embedded Geometry Kernel Reliability and Support Price and availability of Source Code

企业版不限Licence, 15700欧元基础IFC解析库和Example源码 , 每年,代码升级每年 2826欧元, IFCViewer是用VB.NET写的客户端程序,不是Web的

IFC Engine DLL Real-Time Parametric Geometry Kernel The interactive 3D and 4D (animations) become more and more part of daily use requirement. The libraries supporting them are also growing. Our Real-Time Parametric Geometry Kernel is a solution to show interactive 3D and/or 4D inter-connected to non-geometrical application data.

IFC Engine DLL Create your own applications reading, writing or editing IFC files. Very fast (if not the fastest) in parsing, generating geometry. Scalable, within 64 bit no issues with IFC files far above 1 Gb. All source code available for our commercial users. Free to use during implementation (before selling it) and free for research activities. IFC4 and IFC2x3 support, both SPFF and XML serialization.

3D/nD visualization The most direct output from the DLL is the possibility to create 3D visualizations, potentially integrated with time, cost and any other possible dimension.

This is an open source project and the developers do not have time to take your hand and help you. Please read the instructions and have some patience while testing it.

A .Net library for working with IFC data

Ifc-dotnet is a library which provides .Net classes and serializers/deserializers for working with Industry Foundation Classes.

Ifc-dotnet is very much in Alpha stage of development and should be treated accordingly, please do not run in a production environment and do expect things to be broken. Thanks for testing Ifc-dotnet. Please report any bugs you find to the Issue Tracker. 配套解析, BIMServer plug-in


This project is not maintained anymore since 2010, A fork project can be found here

APSTEX is now part of the official IFC4 certification team on behalf of BuildingSMART. We are responsible for the automated checking of IFC-files against the IFC4 scheme compliance, STEP compliance, demanded parameters, implementer agreements and mvdXML. The explicitly therefore developed model checking software will be integrated into the Global Testing end Documentation Server 7f32d4

IFC Java Viewer WebStart: jnpl IFC WebGL VIEWER Demo IFC4 Java Toolbox : Class library for IFC4 JAVA TOOLBOX IFC23 Java Toolbox: Class library for IFC23 Java Toolbox Gettting Started : Java Toolbox IFC23/IFC4 IFC4 Java Toolbox Documentation: javadoc for IFC4 Java Toolbox IFC23 Java Toolbox Documentation: javadoc for IFC2*3 Java Toolbox

IFC TOOLS PROJECT Java Framework for accessing and visualizing IFC based Building Information Models

IFC Java Toolbox Geometry Package IFC Loader GUI-Components: Full 3D-View, Tree Views, Alphanumeric Views , Support for multiple IFC Models IFC Java Viewer: Adaptable for Use-Case, Web-based Technology, Platform independent IFC WebGL Viewer: Ready for Integration into Websites.

EXPRESS scheme, STEP, IFC-Bridge

xBIM provides a rich API to the IFC data standard. It allows developers to read, write, and update an IFC file in a few lines of codes. xBIM is a .NET toolkit, so developers can build everything from simple command-line applications, to extensions for Windows applications and Web services. An example of this would be: an “Add-In” for commercial BIM tools such as Autodesk Revit.

xBIM is an Open Source Toolkit for developing IFC based applications (BuildingSmart Data model).

It provides full support for reading and writing geometry, topology and data in accordance with the Ifc2x3 schema.

xBIM reads and writes Ifc, IfcXMl and IfcZip formats.

The xBIM project provides packages to convert IFC models to COBie spreadsheets in both UK and US cultures as well as a range of 3D viewing controls for use with Windows forms, WPF, WEBGL and OpenGL platforms.

IOS and Android versions are under development.

xBIM enables the creation of middleware that facilitates the interoperability between different BIM tools. This interoperability is achieved by transferring data between the applications via an open-standard format: IFC (Industry Foundation Classes).

nbs National BIM Library The National BIM Library is a free online library consisting of generic and proprietary BIM objects such as walls, windows, doors, foundations, cladding, roofs in IFC format and formats for use in Autodesk Revit, Bentley, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks and Teckla.

The creation of these BIM objects in the National BIM Library in IFC format have been developed by using the xBIM toolkit as the main underlying technology.

Here is the step-by-step process of how the BIM objects were created using xBIM: In order to keep data open, transparent and reusable by different parties involved in a collaborative construction project, there is a need to use an open & neutral format, hence the BIM objects have been created in the IFC format.

The converter can convert the information on the spreadsheet into standard IFC files. This application uses The xBIM Toolkit as the underlying technology to map the information on the spreadsheet into appropriate IFC properties. The xBIM Toolkit also performs validation checking to ensure all IFC files created complies to IFC2x3 (TC1) standards.

After the IFC file has been created, the IFC file can be imported into Revit using the “xBIM Add-In for Revit” (another in-house developed program) which is installed onto the user’s machine and appears at the top of the toolbar in Autodesk Revit.

IFC Xplorer (stand-alone and web) The xBIM Xplorer is a free, open-source IFC viewer that comes in two versions: stand-alone and web version.

In other words, xBIM can be used to create bespoke BIM middleware for IFC-based applications.(C#)

What is the project written in? There are 8 C# projects and 1 C++ project in the xBIM solution. xBIM is implemented on the .NET platform and is compatible with WPF and ASP.NET. The 3D modelling and visualisation is supported by the Open CASCADE codes, and the parser uses the Gardens Point Parser Generator.

COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) In June 2011, the UK Government announced its BIM Working Party Strategy that states the requirement for all its construction projects to be using 3D BIM by the year 2016. At the beginning of this 5-year program, the total requirement for the first year is that every project should have a “spreadsheet containing as much information about a building in as complete and as useful form as possible”. This spreadsheet is known as COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange.

To meet this requirement, the xBIM Toolkit is currently being developed to include functionalities that will support COBie throughout the entire lifecycle of a project.

The IFC format has been described as an open-standard format, used to record data of a building that can be exchanged between different software. IFC is designed for software-to-software exchange. Having a spreadsheet form of COBie has the real benefit of allowing human-to-human understanding of the information needed.

The xBIM Toolkit can allow a user to create a BIM model in IFC format. xBIM performs validation on the BIM model, and then exports the relevant information into COBie format.

Since COBie is in a spreadsheet (human-readable) format, a user can easily update the COBie file.

A separate in-house application is currently under development that will be able to highlight the difference between different versions of the COBie file, allowing a user to see what has changed over a period of time and what changes have been made by different members of a team.

An updated COBie is then imported back with changes propagating to the IFC BIM model, and subsequently the IFC file can also be imported into any proprietary software such as Autodesk Revit.

There is a stand-alone IFC viewer and a web IFC viewer. However they are currently part of the source code and cannot be downloaded separately. We plan to release the stand-alone IFC viewer as a separate download in the near future.

xBIM complies with the IFC2x3 (TC1) standard. For more technical details, please refer to the IFC2x3 online documentation.

xBIM complies with the IFC2x3 (TC1) standard. We are currently preparing xBIM to support IFC2x4. If you have specific needs, please let us know and we can factor these in. If you would like to be informed when xBIM complies with the IFC2x4 standard, please

What development plans do you have for xBIM in the near future? We are working with 4Projects to develop: Enhanced support for BIM viewing. Enhanced support for COBie and COBieLite, Validation of models. Support for the UK digital toolkit for construction IFC 4 property and quantity set support IFC 4 full schema support

Why is xBIM extensible? xBIM is extensible because:

It is open-source. The source codes are available for anybody who wants to participate in the project, to extend and add more functionality to the codes. It uses Extension Methods (a feature in C#, the programming language which xBIM was written in). Extension Methods allow existing classes to be extended without relying on inheritance or having to change the class’s source code. This means that it is possible and easy to add new methods into the existing String class. It has a layered architecture allowing you to build your own behaviour and business objects on top of IFC entities whilst maintaining 100% IFC compatibility with the standard


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FreeCAD is a parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size. Parametric modeling allows you to easily modify your design by going back into your model history and changing its parameters. FreeCAD is open-source and highly customizable, scriptable and extensible.

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specially comparing it to commercial solutions, and you might not find it developed enough yet for use in production environment.

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ArchiCad connection Add-In for Autodesk Revit application

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