React : A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Just the ui
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC, Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technology stack. it’s easy to try it out on a small feature in an exsisting project.
- virtual Dom
React abstracts wasy the DOM from you , giving a simpler programming model and better performance . React can also render on the server using Node. and it can power native apps using React Native
- Data Flow
React implements one-way reactive data flow which reduces boilerplate and is easier to reason about thant traditional data binding .
- Evertything is a component
When you’re in React’s world you are just building components that fit into other components. Everything is a component. Unfortunately
- unmountComponentAtNode(domContainerNode)
If you are rendering React components within a single-page app, you may need to plug into the app’s view lifecycle to ensure your app will invoke unmountComponentAtNode at the appropriate time. React will not automatically clean up a tree. You need to manually call:
This is important and often forgotten. Forgetting to call unmountComponentAtNode will cause your app to leak memory. There is no way for us to automatically detect when it is appropriate to do this work. Every system is different.
It is not unique to the DOM. If you want to insert a React Native view in the middle of an existing iOS app you will hit similar issues.
- HTML Tags vs. React Components
React can either render HTML tags (strings) or React components (classes).
To render an HTML tag, just use lower-case tag names in JSX:
var myDivElement = <div className="foo" />;
ReactDOM.render(myDivElement, document.getElementById('example'));
JSX In Depth
JSX is a JavaScript syntax extension that looks similar to XML. You can use a simple JSX syntactic transform with React.
Namespaced Component
Spread Attributes
var component = <Component />; = x; // bad = y; // also bad var props = {}; = x; = y; var component = <Component {...props} />;
Reusable Components
Whne designing interfaces . break down the common design elements (button, form fields, layout component , etc.) into reusable components with well-defined interfaces. That way.
The next time you need to build some UI. You can write much less code. This means faster development time , fewer bugs, and fewer bytes down the wire.
Producitonizing: Precompiled JSX
npm install babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react babel –presets es2015,react –watch src/ –out-dir lib/
Working With the Browser
React provides powerful abstractions that free you from touching the DOM directly in most cases, but sometimes you simply need to access the underlying API. perhaps to work with a third-partly library or existing code.
- Add-Ons
The React add-ons are a collection of useful utility modules for building React apps. These should be considered experimental and tend to change more often than the core.
- TransitionGroups and CSSTransitionGroup
- LinkedStateMixin
- cloneWithProps
- createFragment
- update
- PureRenderMixin
- TestUtils
- Perf
Top-Level API
Using React from npm
We recommend using React with a CommonJS module system like browserify or webpack
Use the react and react-dom npm packages.
Browserify lets you require(‘modules’) in the browser by building up all of your dependencies.
- install
npm install -g browserify
- Describe
Browsers don’t have the require method defined. but Node.js does. With browserify can write code tht user require in the same way that you would use it in Node.
Here is a tutoial on how to use Browserify on the command line to bundle up a s imple file called main.js along with all of ites dependencies.
- Example
var unique = require('uniq');
var data = [1,2,3,4,4];
Install the uniq module with npm:
npm install uniq
Now recursively bundle up all the requied modules starting at main.js into a single file called bundle.js with browserify command:
browserify main.js -o bundle.js
Browserify parses the AST for require() calls to traverse the entire dependency graph of your project.
Drop a single
<script src="bundle.js"></script>
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- 结构与逻辑
var CustomComponent = React.creatClass({
render: function(){
var $nodes = ['h','e','l','l','o'].map(function(str){
return (<span>{str}</span>);
return (<div className="custom-component">{$nodes}</div>);
React主要实现了一个虚拟Dom, 通过WebPack,WebPack事实上它是一个打包工具,而不是像RequireJS或SeaJS这样的模块加载器,通过使用Webpack,能够像Node.js一样处理依赖关系,然后解析出模块之间的依赖,将代码打包
基于ES6 使用React Webpack Babel构建模块化JavaScript应用
Babel.js不仅支持ES6语法,它还可以编译JSX,所以我们可以在编译步骤彻底弃用标准React JSX编译器了!
现在我们有了正确运行的mocha测试,我们也可以轻松获取Istanbul覆盖率检测工具并正常执行: istanbul cover _mocha – -R spec
React Compnent, search React-UI table
A Set of React Commponents that Implement Googl’s Material Design.
Material-UI came about from our love of React and Googl’e Material Design
We’re currently using it one a project at [Call-Em-All] and plan on adding to it and making it better in the coming months.
React: Create maintainable, high-performance UI components