iTerm2 shutcus
## tag
create new tag:command + t
close tag:command + w
switch tag:command + number or command + direction key
toggle to fullscreen:command + enter
find:command + f
## screen
vertical screen:command + d
horizontal screen:command + shift + d
toggle screen:command + option + direction key command + [ or command + ]
look up history command:command + ;
look up clipboard’s history:command + shift + h
search history command:command + ;
** Look history clipboard :command + shift + h **
clear current line:ctrl + u
cursor ahead line:ctrl + a
cursor to end:ctrl + e
forward/back:ctrl + f/b (amount to left/right keys)
pre-command:ctrl + p
search history commands:ctrl + r
delete the character of current cursor:ctrl + d
del the character before cursor:ctrl + h
del the word before cursor:ctrl + w
del until the line end:ctrl + k
exchange the text the cursor:ctrl + t
clear screen 1:command + r
clear screen 2:ctrl + l
C+y parse the after cursor
** selection as copy + middle mouse key as paster **
⌘ + f the search’s content be copyed automately